Supporting Todd’s epic 1-day walking challenge from the ocean to the island’s summits, from the capital, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 30km rough terrain to the top of the mountain.
Every donation here helps a local family in real need. The Food Project receives no local government assistance, and so have to rent their community facility privately. They are supported by The Food Bank of Las Palmas, but they survive only thanks to your generosity.
The project is volunteer-led and they are a vital life line for more than 500 individuals every week, doing much more than just feed empty bellies: they act as a vital community hub coordinating donations of food and clothing, shoes, furniture even mobility scooters, and provide a qualified social worker who helps to guide each individual through their life projects… and so much more besides… here is a little window on to what they have to spend…
10€ contributes to their gaining access to a social worker to help find work, training, education and extra help
30€ supplements a family of 3 for a week with fresh produce
50€ helps buy shoes and clothing for kids going Back To School
100€ is enough to organise a computer for families without access to technology, or pay transport costs for moving furniture, or a range of other much needed assistance all provided by The Food Project.
500€ buys milk, potatoes, juices and fresh vegetables for one week to supplement the rice and pasta etc provided by The Food Bank in Las Palmas
1000€ helps pay for a part time social worker to directly assist individuals and families who have no access to legal advice or ways to escape extreme poverty
2000€ pays the building rent for one month
- Raul Alcañiz donated 10,00 €
5 months ago - H»ctor Hern∑ndez donated 50,00 €
5 months ago - Andrea Heater donated 10,00 €
5 months ago - Steve Vriethoff donated 50,00 €
5 months ago - Carlos Thams Baudot donated 50,00 €
5 months ago - Patricia Mirabal donated 10,00 €
5 months ago - Rachel Manley donated 10,00 €
5 months ago